Thursday, February 8, 2007

Did you know that it takes the Average American 9 months to Find a Job?

Don’t be another statistic. A few months ago I was almost fed up with trying to find a job. For 95% of the applications I sent in, I was not even getting an interview, no follow ups, no phone calls, and most of the time no acknowledgement.

After a while I realized it must have been my resumes that were letting me down, so I started researching how to write a better resume. I signed up for a few sites, I paid a bit of money, and I soon learnt how to write the perfect resume.

The best site I found was This one: click for resume samples I went from almost giving up, to getting 10 interviews in my first week. This site is the best one out of the lot, they give you proven key words, phrases and samples to guide you to write a perfect resume. I would say when getting job offers, little comes down to what you actually write, it is how you write it!! I highly recommend this site for anyone looking to improve their resume: Click here


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Unknown said...

Resume should always be at its best to have the job you want. Professional resume writing Calgary can help.

Md Mahbubu Hasan said...

Writing a great winning resume does not necessarily mean you should follow the rules you hear through the grapevine. It does not have to be one page or follow a specific resume format. Every resume is a one-of-a-kind marketing communication. It should be appropriate to your situation and do exactly what you want it to do.

Unknown said...

You need to be very attentive where you have either bought a product or subscribed a service.So Hire professional resume builder certified by the PARW or NRWA

Md Mahbubu Hasan said...

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